Gifts for Joss Whedon Fans
Fans of Joss Whedon Gift Guide
Joss Whedon is the creator of many fabulous shows, such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Firefly. He is also a comic book writer and has plenty of comic books, both relating to his shows and separate from his shows. If you need to buy a gift for someone who is a fan of Joss Whedon's work, here are some great gift ideas.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Comics
After Buffy the television series ended, Joss Whedon wanted
it to live on in comic book form. Season 8 has forty issues.
(The first listing here is the season 8 omnibus). There is also a
Season 9, and Season 10 that recently started. They are direct continuations of the television series. Also available are comics
that ran along side the series. If you would like to buy Buffy
comics there are plenty to choose from.
Fray is a comic book sequel to Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Melaka Fray is a Slayer hundreds of years in the future living
in Manhattan. She is reluctant to perform her Slayer duties at
first, but after losing everything that's important to her she
decides to join the fight. This book contains the entire Fray
series. Join Melaka Fray as she fights Lurks in the future
Manhattan slums with the help of her demon Watcher.
Runaways Volume 8
Joss Whedon wrote a few issues for Runaways. Runaways
is a comic about a bunch of kids that find out their parents are
powerful criminals. The kids discover that they inherited
superpowersfrom their parents, so they set out to atone for their
parents' misdeeds by fighting other powerful criminals. This book
contains the issues of Runaways written by Joss Whedon (#25-#30).
Astonishing X-Men
Unique Gifts For Buffy Fans
If Buffy is a favorite for your gift receiver, here are some interesting and unique gifts inspired by the show. Listed below are a board game inspired by the show, a book released that is made to be a yearbook from Buffy's high school, The Monster Book - a book that discusses the history and folklore behind the monsters that have inspired the demons on the show, a ouija board inspired by the show, and the first issue of Buffy Season Ten.
More Joss Whedon Comics
Joss Whedon has written a lot of comics for his series. These are the first volumes for some of his non-Buffy comics, but there are plenty more where they came from. This is just the tip of the iceberg for Joss Whedon's comic books. Listed here are comics for Serenity (Firefly), Angel, and a spinoff comic series Angel & Faith.
These two are: Tales of the Vampires, which is a sort of
prequel to Buffy that tells of how the vampires came to be,
and Sugar Shock, which is about a band that goes on sci-fi
Joss Whedon Stocking Stuffers
These are small gifts that a Joss Whedon fan might like.
There are decks of cards featuring either the characters of
Angel or Buffy. The good guys are the red suits and the
bad guys are the black suits.
The Buffy cards are sold out on Amazon but they are
available at the SciFi Shop.
If your gift receiver likes music then here are some CDs from Joss Whedon shows. The Angel soundtrack features
music from the show and includes a few songs from Lorne (Andy Hallett). The Buffy CD is from the much-acclaimed musical episode of the series, Once More, With Feeling. And the last CD is the soundtrack to Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog, Whedon’s lauded musical starring Neil Patrick Harris and Nathan Fillion.
Action Figures From Joss Whedon's Shows
Here are some of my favorites that are
available. These are action figures from
Buffy, again just the tip of the iceberg of
what’s available. They are Buffy with a
stake and crossbow, Anya in her wedding
dress, and Willow and Tara with their kitty
Miss Kitty Fantastico.
And here's a figure from Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog.
Penny with a laundry basket. Penny is the love interest
of both Dr. Horrible and Captain Hammer in the musical
Malcolm Reynold's Dog Tags
If you know someone who is always railing against the fact
that Firefly was cancelled and talking about what a great
show it was and still holds out hope that it will come back,
this is the perfect gift for them. These are officially licensed Mal's dog tags, inspired by Firefly. They include his rank, brigade number, and serial number as well as the Chinese characters representing his brigade (57) and the logo of the Independents Army. They come in a collectible Firefly-universe Blue Sun cigarillo box.
Brown Coat Replica
Is your gift receiver a die-hard Browncoat? This is an officially licensed Mal leather duster. It's made of suede and includes custom-made brass buckles. It's available in small, medium, large, extra-large, and extra-extra large.
Firefly T-Shirt
For more whimsical, everyday wear, there is a Firefly T shirt featuring Mal Reynolds.
"I'm done adulting. Let's be browncoats."
Available in multiple sizes.
Firefly Independents' Flag
Just because you're on the losing side doesn't mean you're on the wrong side. Let your Browncoat tell the world what side they're on with this Flag of the Independent Faction. It's made of polyester and has a hoist so it can actually be flown outside on a flagpole. At 3x5 feet, it's the size of a standard flag.
Kaylee's Parasol
This is a replica of Kaylee's parasol as seen in the pilot episode of Firefly. This is made of silk and hand-painted. It's 33" in diameter and 24" long.
Firefly Board Game
This is a board game based on Firefly. It can be played alone or by up to four players, so if your Browncoat wants to open it up and start playing immediately they don't have to wait to find other people who are interested. The basic premise of the game is that everyone has their own Firefly vessel and there is a main task to complete, the first person to complete it wins. In order to complete the task you have to take on side tasks to earn money and crew members and necessary equipment for completing the major task. There is a choice of five expansions: Breakin' Atmo Expansion, Pirates & Bounty Hunters Expansion, Blue Sun Expansion (this one contains an expansion to the game board) , Artful Dodger Ship Add On (this adds a new ship to the game so you can have five players with this expansion), and the Promo Card Pack Collection.
Even More Expansion Packs for Firefly: The Game! The Esmeralda and Jetwash Expansions each add a new ship to the game.
Firefly "I Want to Believe" Poster
If your gift receiver is a fan of both the X-Files and Firefly then buy them this X-Files I Want to Believe poster with the
Serenity ship. It's a great piece to celebrate both amazing shows. The poster size is 27"x40".
Serenity Ice Cube Tray
This ice cube tray would make a great affordable yet unique gift for a Firefly fan. Fill the tray with water to make Serenity ice cubes. It's oven safe up to 450° so it can be used as a candy mold, too. Dishwasher safe so it can be easily cleaned no matter what it's used for.
Firefly: A Celebration
This is the "Browncoat Bible." This book contains scripts for the episodes
with notes from the writers and actors and close-up pictures of the set so
you can see weapon details and get a good view of props. It has essays on
the characters as well as interviews with the actors. There's so much in
this book and it's made to look like it's bound in leather so it would make an
excellent display piece.
Wired has a wonderful article about all of the exciting details of this book.
Firefly: The Big Damn Cookbook
If you know a Firefly fan who loves to cook, Firefly: The Big Damn Cookbook would be the perfect gift. It features actual recipes inspired by the show (such as Mudder's Milk and Fruity Oaty Bars). Each recipe includes a comment from the character who inspired it.
SyfyWire has a great preview of this unique cookbook.
Firefly Stocking Stuffers
Here are some smaller gifts for Firefly fans. There is a sliver Serenity keychain and a gold keychain. The gold Serenity keychain is a San Diego Comic Con 2013 exclusive (limited to 5,000). They are both a little over two inches - 1/600 scale models. The third keychain featured is the Serenity ship on a "leaf on the wind." The ship is 5/8 of an inch and the leaf is about two inches long. This keychain can also be worn as a necklace if the keyring is removed (it comes with a black cord necklace). The Engineered by Firefly car decal is metalized vinyl so it can stay shiny even in poor weather conditions. Let your Browncoat inform the world that their other car is a Firefly-Class Transport Ship.
Complete Joss Whedon Series
If the gift receiver has only seen one or two of Joss Whedon's shows, then introduce them to one of his shows that they haven't seen yet. These are Firefly the complete series, Serenity (the movie that wrapped up the Firefly series), Angel the complete series, Buffy the complete series, and both seasons of Dollhouse.